Monday, July 2, 2012

the brand new MAS boeing A380

smpena birthday aku semalam, 1st July 2012, MAS telah melancarkan penerbangan pertama boeing A380. cecewah, perasan pulak. takde maknanye MAS buat 1st flight tu demi aku. T_T  huhu.. the world's largest passenger plane has landed at London-Heathrow Airport! Kudos to Captain Norshid and all crew on board :)

1st July, the time has come

final preparations. all the best Mr. Pilot. take the baby high :) 
(smart jgk keje pilot ni, ehek)

safely landed at London-Heathrow Airport! 

i just cant resist to say A380 is such a very beautiful aircraft. oh i wish i could have one. siapa baik hati nak bagi sebijik? hehehe.. aku dah lama teringin nak ada sebijik bantal bentuk boeing. tapi takde org nak jual. puas cari merata2. custom made pun tak tau org snggup buat ke tak. nak cari replika mainan pun belum ada yg respon nak jual A380.
haaa.. ni la yg aku idam2 kan. aku nak replica MAS boeing A380 yg kiri tu..

aku sbnarnya bukan lah pandai dlm hal ehwal aeroplane ni tp aku sgt lah minat dan brsemangat tentang aircraft. sejak kecik, abah slalu buat bed time story utk aku but he never tells story about fairy tales, cinderella, snow white, rapunzel whatsoever. walaupun those kinds of princess are of my interest, especially rapunzel and giselle. sgt suka tahap nak jahit baju mcm dorng tp tak mampuu.. tak mahir menjahit.. tu pun dah lama aku idam kan, tapi kite cerita lain kali lah. harini nak cerita pasal boeing je dulu. haaaa, my dad dulu mmg suka buat bed time story. ermm, actually bukan dia suka sgt pun tp sebab dipaksa oleh anak dia sorng ni, kalau tak tanak tido. haha.. pity him. besides aviation, abah slalu jugak cerita pasal tumbuhan herba, khasiat ulam2an.. tapi tu mmg bukan my interest la. tak amik pusing sgt.. slalunye bedtime story on aviation akan berkisar tentang the structure, engines, maintenance, and design. just imagine, my age was around 5-8 years old but my dad dah buat bedtime story mcm berat punya topic, adehh. but i do love it! ♥

oh ok, enough cerita pasal bedtime story, going back to main topic - the new MAS boeing A380. haritu masa MAS publish pasal A380 ni, aku sgt excited kerana ia sgt cantek menarik tertarik. seriously cantek. mari lah membuat tinjauan trhadap the new MAS boeing A380 - the pride of the nation, carrying hopes of all Malaysian!
the big flight arrival - 30 May 2012

the interior, newest edition of the fleet - purple seats i like!

enjoying the bird eye view of A380

she so cute, flying high baby! 

satu lagi kegemaran aku trhadap aircraft ni, aku mmg tak penah bosan mengadap AirCrash Investigation on National Geographic Channel. so many things i can learn by watching the programme. seolah2 aku dpt godek2 sgala isi airplane tu, korek sana sini n try to re-assemble it. working out to get some hints. sedikit sbnyak aku dpt tau mcm2, aircraft tu punya operation, the fuels, engines, aileron, FDR, fuselage, black box, many things.
actually dulu aku mmg pnah brniat nak send resume to MAS walaupun ramai discourage sbb masalah dan krisis yg melanda MAS currently, but then aku tak kisah pun semua tu, yg penting target aku within short period of time aku boleh kaut ilmu tentang aviation. however, last minute i decided to cancel it due to some reasons. aku nak focus betul2 utk finish my acca on a full time basis. huuu, maybe one day bila aku dah betul2 bersedia, baru aku apply n i will try my very best to be committed to develop my career, insyaAllah

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