Kata org, lidah itu lebih tajam dr pisau..
biar lebih melihat baru boleh lebih bercakap..
biar bijak berkata baru org hormat..
biar bijak berkata baru org hormat..
“x semestinye mintak maaf tu maksud nye kalah... ade org mintak maaf sbb dia salah.. ade org mintak maaf sbb nk jaga hubungan ngn org.. jgn ingt org mintak maaf hnya sbb brsalah. ingt, kite kena jaga hubungan kita dgn manusia n Allah. sekali kite mengalah plak x semesti maknenye kite kalah..org mngalah dlm perang, kdg2 sbb nk susun strategi, nk tmbah kekuatan, nk tmbah tenaga.. ingt, kalau kite mntk maaf, kite x kalah... ingt, org yg bijak akan elakkan perang sbb perang takan bwk lebih bnyk kebaikan drpd keburukan..jaga hubungan dgn org ni penting.. ingt, kite takan selalu duduk atas je.pasti 1 ari nanti kite akan duduk kt bwh pulak.less word, the better..”
“biar kite pandai berbahasa.kite ikut cara org melayu..berbudi bahasa...”
like wiseman said:
"if a man lose his money, he lost nothing..
and if lose his health, he lost something..
but if he lose his integrity, he lost everything.."
"there's always going to be people that hurt you. so what you have to do is keep on trusting, and just be more careful about who you trust next time around"
"when a guy stop calling, chance are he's not worth your time & effort. move on and find someone who actually likes you and treat you with respect"
-Caitlin Owens-
"if your group of friends changes, it is not a bad thing. it lets you open up to new friends and experiences while keeping old ones"
-Amber Brockman-
"people grow and people change, and that's something you just have to accept"
-Jenny Sharaf-
giving up doesn't mean you are weak! it only means that you are strong enough to let go!!..
thanks for those advices.. really appreciate it :)